One Punch Man first season is an twelve episode anime I really love because its simplicity, amazing animation and fights all over the top, directed by Shingo Natsume and Studio Madhouse known by their great animation, the main idea the show propose is a completely new twist of the shonen genre, which basically follows the same path everytime, the main character has to get stronger to defeat the main villain building up to the climax at the final confrontation, then repeat, each time with different new approaches and characters, ¿So, what's the new take on the genre? At the very first minutes of the show Saitama -the protagonist- arrives just in time to defeat a powerful demon destroying the city by punching effortless just to frustrate him by knowing no one can match his power, making it clear to the audience he can defeat anyone just with one punch. ¿If I know Saitama always will win, that wouldn't be boring? That's where all the secondary characters appears each one wit...